General programme

Tuesday 24 September

Pre-conference workshops

08:30 - 09:00

Welcome & registration

Trajectum Noord/Zuid

09:00 - 10:30

Pre-conference academy workshops

Workshop 1: AYA Cancer Care: Insights from Flanders and the Netherlands 
Room: 0.1 London

Workshop 2: Embracing Acceptance in Cancer Survivorship
Room: 0.2 Berlin

Workshop 3: Sexual rehabilitation intervention for women after cancer
Room: 0.3 Copenhagen

Workshop 4: Facilitating Bereavement Support Groups: Practical training for group leaders.
Room: 0.5 Paris

More information about the workshops can be found here. 

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break


11:00 - 12:30

Pre-conference academy workshops

Workshop 1: AYA Cancer Care: Insights from Flanders and the Netherlands 
Room: 0.1 London.

Workshop 2: Enhancing Relationship Resilience: Hold Me Tight training for Couples Coping with Cancer
Room: 0.2 Berlin

Workshop 3: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Beginners and Intermediate Clinicians. Helping cancer patients deal with uncertainty and finding meaning.
Room: 0.4 Brussels

Workshop 4: Bereavement among Professional Caregivers after Patient Deaths: Conceptualization, Assessment, Empirical Findings, and Support Advice | 0.5 Paris

More information about the workshops can be found here. 

12:30 - 13:30



13:30 - 15:00

Pre-conference academy workshops

Workshop 1: Mindfulness as a coping strategy for cancer survivors
Room: 0.1 London.

Workshop 2: Cancer PEP (Patient Empowerment Program) - Unveiling Success Strategies for a Comprehensive Six-Month Home-Based Health Promotion Program
Room: 0.2 Berlin

Workshop 3: Providing psychosocial care to families with young children (<18 years) facing parental cancer |
Room: 0.4 Brussels

Workshop 4: Untire
Room: 0.5 Paris

More information about the workshops can be found here. 

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break


15:30 - 17:00

Pre-conference academy workshops

Workshop 1: Mindfulness as a coping strategy for cancer survivors
Room: 0.1 London.

Workshop 2: Empowering Cancer Survivors Across the Life Span: Integrating Pain Science Education for Children Living Beyond Cancer
Room: 0.2 Berlin

Workshop 3: Beyond Simple Language Translation: Strategies for Adapting and Implementing Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions (EBPIs) for Diverse Cancer Survivors
Room: 0.4 Brussels

Workshop 4: A showcase of world class Cancer Wellbeing Centres: insights into the experiences and key learnings to successfully enhance patient experience and cancer outcomes
Room: 0.5 Paris

More information about the workshops can be found here. 

17:00 - 18:00

Welcome reception


Including 1 IPOS award & Hanneke de Haes award

Dutch Oncology Care Day

08:30 - 10:00

Welcome & registration

Trajectum Noord/Zuid

10:00 - 11:30

Care in context: Samenwerking rondom de patiënt over de muren heen

0.3 Copenhagen

Speakers: Fabrizia Ketelaars, Oncologisch Netwerk Zuid Oost Nederland and Yvonne Jansen, ROS Robuust

11:30 - 12:30

Verbinding Oncologie Zorgnetwerk en Informele zorg

0.3 Copenhagen

Speakers: Steffie Lettink, Kristy Kruisselbrink

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:00

Werk & kanker: een interactieve workshop voor deelnemers aan (regionale) oncologie netwerken

0.3 Copenhagen

Speakers: Desiree Dona, Radboudumc and Ragna van Hummel, director Re-turn

15:.00 - 15:30

Coffee break


15:30 - 17:00

Lijnloze zorg voor jongvolwassenen met kanker (AYAs)

0.3 Copenhagen

Speakers: Dr. Eveliene Manten-Horst, directeur AYA 'Jong & Kanker' and dr. Miranda Velthuis, senior adviseur IKNL en Taskforce Cancer Survivorshipcare in samenwerking met onderzoeker en zorgprofessionals uit de regio.

17:00 - 18:00

Welcome reception


Wednesday 25 September

08:30 - 09:00

Welcome & registration

Trajectum Noord/Zuid

09:00 - 10:30

8 parallel sessions

Plenary session/Parrallel room 1 (Auditorium 1)

Parallel room 2 (0.14 Singapore)

Parallel room 3 (0.05 Paris)

Parallel room 4 (0.11 Cape town)

Parallel room 5 (0.08 Rome)

Parallel room 6 (0.09 Athens)

Parallel room 7 (0.04 Brussels)

Parallel room 8 (0.02/0.03 Berlin/Copenhagen)

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break & posters


11:00 - 12:30

Plenary session 1: 'Opening'

Auditorium 1

Chair: Eveliene Manten

Plenary speakers:
Lisanne Spaander, Marcel Levi, IPOS president and IPOS 2024 chairs

12:30 - 13:30

Lunch break & posters


13:30 - 15:00

8 parallel sessions

Plenary session/Parrallel room 1 (Auditorium 1)

Parallel room 2 (0.14 Singapore)

Parallel room 3 (0.05 Paris)

Parallel room 4 (0.11 Cape town)

Parallel room 5 (0.08 Rome)

Parallel room 6 (0.09 Athens)

Parallel room 7 (0.04 Brussels)

Parallel room 8 (0.02/0.03 Berlin/Copenhagen)

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break & posters


15:30 - 17:00

Plenary session 2: 'Palliative care'

Auditorium 1

Chair: Saskia Teunissen

Plenary speakers: t.b.c. 

17:00 - 18:00

IPOS Journal reception / 40 years IPOS society reception


Including 1 IPOS award

Thursday 26 September

08:30 - 09:00

Welcome & registration

Trajectum Noord/Zuid

09:00 - 10:30

8 parallel sessions

Plenary session/Parrallel room 1 (Auditorium 1)

Parallel room 2 (0.14 Singapore)

Parallel room 3 (0.05 Paris)

Parallel room 4 (0.11 Cape town)

Parallel room 5 (0.08 Rome)

Parallel room 6 (0.09 Athens)

Parallel room 7 (0.04 Brussels)

Parallel room 8 (0.02/0.03 Berlin/Copenhagen)

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break & posters


11:00 - 12:00

Plenary session 3: t.b.c.

Auditorium 1

Chair: t.b.c. 

Plenary speakers: Sabine Siesling, Marije van der Lee

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch break & posters


13:00 - 14:00

8 parallel sessions

Plenary session/Parrallel room 1 (Auditorium 1)

Parallel room 2 (0.14 Singapore)

Parallel room 3 (0.05 Paris)

Parallel room 4 (0.11 Cape town)

Parallel room 5 (0.08 Rome)

Parallel room 6 (0.09 Athens)

Parallel room 7 (0.04 Brussels)

Parallel room 8 (0.02/0.03 Berlin/Copenhagen)

14:00 - 15:30

2 a 3 parallel symposium

Plenary session/Parrallel room 1 (Auditorium 1)

Parallel room 2 (0.14 Singapore)

Parallel room 3 (0.05 Paris)

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break & posters


16:00 - 17:15

Plenary session 4: 'IPOS Board plenary: Integrating psychosocial care into routine cancer care: the current state and the future direction.

Auditorium 1

chair: Wendy Wing Tak Lam

Speaker: Luigi Grassi, including panel discussion

Including 1 IPOS award

17:15 - 18:30

Free time

18:30 - 19:00

Bus transfer to conference dinner

MECC & Maasboulevard

More information will be available soon.

19:00 - 00:00

Conference dinner

More information will be available soon.

Including 1 or 2 IPOS award(s)

23:30 - 00:00

Bus transfer back to Maastricht

Friday 27 September

08:30 - 09:00

Welcome & registration

Trajectum Noord/Zuid

09:00 - 10:30

Plenary session 5: 'LMIC - what can we learn from each other'

Auditorium 1

Chair: Chantal Lammens

Plenary speaker(s): Chioma Asuzu

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break & posters


11:00 - 12:00

6 parallel symposium

Plenary session/Parrallel room 1 (Auditorium 1)

Parallel room 2 (0.14 Singapore)

Parallel room 3 (0.05 Paris)

Parallel room 4 (0.11 Cape town)

Parallel room 5 (0.08 Rome)

Parallel room 6 (0.09 Athens)


12:00 - 13:00

Lunch break & posters


13:00 - 14:00

5 Parallel poster 'flits' sessions

70 posters & 2x guided tour

14:00 - 15:00

Plenary session 6: 'Cancer & Work'

Auditorium 1

Chair: t.b.c.

Speakers: Angelique de Rijk, Adela Popa

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break


15:30 - 16:30

8 parallel sessions

Plenary session/Parrallel room 1 (Auditorium 1)

Parallel room 2 (0.14 Singapore)

Parallel room 3 (0.05 Paris)

Parallel room 4 (0.11 Cape town)

Parallel room 5 (0.08 Rome)

Parallel room 6 (0.09 Athens)

Parallel room 7 (0.04 Brussels)

Parallel room 8 (0.02/0.03 Berlin/Copenhagen)

16:30 - 17:00

Plenary closing session

Chair: t.b.c.

Speakers: t.b.c.