Meeke Hoedjes


Meeke Hoedjes is a Health Psychologist and currently employed as an Assistant Professor within the department Medical and Clinical Psychology of the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on health psychology and health promotion in patient populations, particularly in oncology patient populations. She is involved in several research projects aiming to promote health behaviour changes in patient populations. Since 2022, she is member of the board (secretary) of the Nederlandse Vereniging Psychosociale Oncologie (NVPO).

Before her appointment at Tilburg University, Meeke was employed as a post-doctoral researcher at the department of Health Sciences of the VU University Amsterdam within the Alpe d’HuZes Chair Nutrition and Cancer of Prof. dr. E. Kampman and was closely involved in studies within this programme. Meeke’s research within this chair focused on how to reach (sustained) health behaviour changes in (ex) cancer patients and in those with a genetic predisposition to develop cancer.

Meeke obtained her PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a PhD-student, she studied health behaviors (e.g., dietary intake, physical activity) and their determinants, health-related quality of life, and psychological health, and she developed, implemented and evaluated a lifestyle intervention in a patient population at high-risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus type II.